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Dwarves of Visteria

The only great underground city of Dwarves on Visteria is Jathra Delving. Smaller delvings also exist in the eastern mountains of Kiereth, but no great delvings were ever successful in the World Spine. Old hostilities were just too prevalent in the area to allow them to get established. Surface dwelling druidic leaning dwarves intermingle with the elven population around Nordhaz, and dwarves have a reasonable representation in Southport and in Filan where they have embraced the love of the mechanical that is prevalent there. Throughout imperial times, Jathra Delving stayed on cordial relations with the empire. Originally serving as mercenaries during the unification wars they were willing enough to “follow the lode” and through the centuries supplied a dwarven contingent to the imperial forces that was considered to be one of their elite forces. (their battleflag was the traditional black pennon with hammers on either side of the imperial shield and knotted fleur) The contingent returned to Jathra Delving when the emperor disappeared, it's refusal to fight was a serious blow to what little stability remained in those days.

visteriadwarves.txt · Last modified: 2024/10/09 20:25 by alex