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Kingdom of Teleurin

Called the Lake District, it is centered on the eponymous great lake and the island fortress city there. Also a trading nation, it was the gateway to the north being tucked up against the world spine mountains and near the only pass northward gentle enough for a highway. Unfortunately, the many conflicts with the peoples living in the mountains (orcs, goblins, strix) choked off that trade and the imperial centuries have weakened the former kingdom greatly. Their national identity hasn’t faded like that of Kiereth, so much as shrunk to only the lands nearest the lake. Many towns that once would have been proudly Teleurin simply consider themselves Visterian now. The only kingdom with access to the eastern sea Teleurin coral works are often price pieces for rich collectors, and their trade networks northward along the coast supply exotic furs from those wilder lands. In recent times they have broadened the clandestine contacts with the orc clans in the mountains.

teleurin.txt · Last modified: 2024/10/09 20:14 by alex