You know what a Minotaur is… In Rhen Minotaurs are extremely rare, to the point that most commoners would assume them to be creatures from stories. However in recent years they have become a regular sight in the Southern Isles though still uncommon enough to be noteworthy. They are one of the banned races in Imperial lands due to regular conflicts in the past. Most people know of them, but they are almost never seen outside the one island they have successfully defended from imperial aggression.
Standard Racial Traits (12RP)
- Ability Score Modifiers: Minotaurs are strong, and insightful, but not as quick to react as some races. They gain +2 Strength, +2 Wisdom, -2 Dexterity.
- Type: Minotaurs are monstrous humanoids and have darkvision 60'.
- Medium: Minotaurs are Medium creatures and thus have no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
- Base Speed: Minotaurs have a base speed of 30 feet.
- Languages: Minotaur begin play speaking Common and Giant. Minotaurs with high Intelligence scores can choose Aklo, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Gnomish, Orc, or Sylvan.
- Immune to Maze spells and +2 to saves against poison and mind affecting spells.
- Gore attack, Primary attack (D6+Str)
- Powerful Charge, when using Gore as a charge it deals 2d6+1.5Str(x3) damage.
- Like being large, when affected by “enlarge person” treat the caster level as 2 higher when calculating duration.
They also gain Improved Bull Rush (Powerful Maneuvers) as a bonus feat.
monotaur.txt · Last modified: 2019/01/23 16:58 by alex