The following is not an exhaustive survey. The odd individual or small group could possibly be found in nearly any reasonable location. This is a list of the largest centers of population.
Grippli: Traditionally very reclusive, though less so with the wilder types Elves and similar lovers of nature. Poisonhide Grippli are from Visteria mostly the western chain of islands, Stickytoe and Windweb Grippli are mostly near Elven lands on both current continents, Snaptongue are mostly found in small groups on shores of the storm sea south of Rhen.
Vanara: Also insular by nature, but found in the jungles of Visteria and the forests of the northern slopes of the world spine. In Eolanara isolated groups are on the north slopes of the Kingswall (refugees of the burn) with more on east slopes of Illenewar range.
Lizardfolk: Large but frequently struggling group on Maidens Rest, some representation in WLT, mostly connected to settlements on the east slopes of Illenewar range. Regular territorial disputes with Vanara there and raids on the Grippli. In times of weaker protection, they like to raid any caravans along the N/S route. Usually lucrative for them, but it never goes unpunished for long. In Visteria they have long since been chased off the mainland to the western islands (very little presence on the Isle of Beasts), but remainders exist in the least controlled corners of the continent.
Nagaji: long history of displacement in Eolanara, first by elves in Illenewar, then in the Islands and east slopes of Illenewar, before fleeing north, tangling with the orcs there before ending up with tiny hidden settlements back in Illenewar and slightly larger, but barely accepted, settlements in the underdark. In Visteria, groups are more stable by sticking to the northern part of the east coast near where the world spine reaches the sea. Only the Visterian Nagaji have managed to maintain their superiority complex. Eolanara Nagaji tend to more of an ex-empire kind of attitude.
Planes-touched: Those touched by the other planes of existence (ifrit, sylph, aasimar, tieflings, etc.) are less common than the others on this page and do not have their own centers of population. But taken as a group are still common enough that any large city will have small, probably mixed, groups that can be found. On Eolanara, they are very much socially in the same category as sorcerers, magical oddities, probably powerful. Someone who is probably rich but also not to be trifled with lightly. On Visteria however they used to be sacred. Followers of the old ways will still show reverence, and are fairly common. Imperial policy for many years has been to imprison or destroy them and their worship. As is the nature of such programs, lingering sentiment against the planes-touched is common in large cities. The exception being Myabra which never did fully integrate into the empire… Though sentiment there will vary wildly.