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The majority of elves live within the borders of Rhen. Primarily in the two great forests, though they also have enclaves in a few cities and a noteworthy population on the northern slopes of the mountains there. Sea elves are entirely found in Northern wilds and the Southern Isles. Elven sensibilities are generally at odds with cultural norms among the Kahns. However, being a rather individualistic type of people you can also find exceptions to all of this without looking too hard.

Dark elves are rarely seen south of the northern mountains, but are a significant force in the flow of politics there. Not blanket evil like older tomes will tell you, but their culture is shaped by what many would call a harsh pragmatism due to the very resource limited environment they live in underground. A long history of raiding “topdwellers” has created an ugly history that has ended up in a self-perpetuating cycle of mistrust. Though individuals are usually tolerated in southern lands.

elves.txt · Last modified: 2024/09/18 09:57 by alex