Dwarven Settlements
There exist two major cities of Dwarves as well as a moderately sized clan in the northern wilds. Tum Zaramul (Delving under the Lake) in the mountains southwest of Rhen and Duban Gathol (the valley fortress) in the hills of the southern coast. Much of the construction into the cliffs below Kutrek in the north is Dwarven work. While enclaves exist in all major cities Dwarves will call one of those three locations their homeland regardless of how many generations back the connection is.
A small group calling themselves Sunset Dwarves live on the edge of the Elven forests in Rhen north of Anicium. They draw their lineage back to the surface dwelling dwarves of Northern Illenewar who fled the dragons by sea with their Elven friends. The other group of Illenewar refugee dwarves that stayed together ended up in Blackstone with the fragments of a couple Orc clans that got cut off in the chaos and had to flee northward.