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Act One

You didn't meet at the Inn

Having been gathered by various means that included comical levels of cloak and dagger; the party were met in a clearing by a Cleric of Andoletta and her ranger guardian. Avoiding the city and it's prying eyes you were directed to a small guard post in a tower. There you met the now well known Chad, and some other picked members of the city guard and learned about some attacks by goblins, kobolds and rumors of undead.

Receiving directions to the necessary places the groups investigated a handful of crypts in various states of disarray before finding the primary crypt for the last family to have a strong hold in the area before it fell into decline. One desecrated fountain and a few dead goblins later the source of the undead rumors had been found in a pair locked up Ghouls and an altar repurposed to their raising. Adding to the pile a few kobolds who had also been trying to set up a new home in the caves accidentally attached to the tomb (minus one who got away), the party went on to face the reanimated Lord of the Pass. There discovering the existence of a “Scion” who would be putting him back in his proper place of rule. Violently ending that plan you took this information back to your new buddy Chad to deliver to the Lord Ballard in Passholt.

Do we really know who hired us?

In town after meeting the lord Ballard, Pockets, the Viceroy, and a few other members of the Passholt VIP list, the D.O.R.K.S. embrace their paranoid side and decide to really shake down the manor overnight. Catching only a would-be vigilante-spy their find turns out a little better than initially expected as the youth was indeed a witness to strange comings and goings at the manor. Following the information leads directly to the Viceroy being the scion and after a showdown in Lord Ballard's office with his henchmen he scampers, narrowly beating the D.O.R.K.S. out of town.

Heading North

Taking only a brief respite the D.O.R.K.S. meet up with Pockets' Druid friend to take the more direct path over the high altitude passes in a bid to catch up with the Fleeing Viceroy. There they have their first encounter with the Delothrim, unholy corrupted beasts, as well as a family of Yeti and the campsite of some unlucky Drow who didn't fare so well with the Yeti. Briefly stopping in a town on the north slope the group meets a mercenary group and learns that there are groups of undead roaming the countryside and take a side mission to check in on a nearby settlement (but decline to do anything about their problems) and push on to the city of Kutrek.

act1.txt · Last modified: 2019/05/22 17:54 by alex